I love the Goodreads reading challenge. Every year I look forward to seeing the new colour and setting my goal to a high number just so I have something to look forward to. And every year, I get stressed. I don’t know about anyone else, but I am a major mood reader. I find monthly TBRs to be too restricting, and it often leaves me in a reading slump. For that reason, I have a love-hate relationship with the Goodreads reading challenge.
It’s only 24 days into the year, and I am already behind. Like any ambitious Type 3 enneagram would, I set my challenge number to 100 books in the hopes of having another solid reading year. So far this year, I have read an impressive number of books, and that number is three. One of which was a re-read, so it’s not like I challenged myself to consume something new. No, I chose to read something I knew I would enjoy in fear of slumping too early in the year. I bet you’re thinking, Mary, what is the point of this post? And you’re right – what is the point of this post? I just wanted to share some positivity and some insight into how hard it can be to motivate yourself to read. So, I thought, why not share some of my favourite things to do to make the Goodreads challenge slightly easier so you don’t get overwhelmed (like yours truly) and quit!
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