So, admittedly nobody tagged me to do this challenge, but after googling some book tags this one seemed like so much fun! This post from paperfury inspired this post, and I took all the tag questions from there. I’ll be tagging some blogs to participate too, so who knows, maybe we’ll get this tag cycling again! Let’s get on with the questions!
- How many books are too many for a series?
I think for me, it depends on how I read them. If I’m reading them as the books are released, I find that I often lose interest if the series goes on longer than four books. Oftentimes series fall victim to the midway slump, and I hate slugging through books just for the action to pick up again in later novels! I can hand-on-heart say that I don’t think I’d read a book series with 10+ books. I know myself well enough to know I would lose interest, and probably would end up DNF’ing the series as a whole. I’ll stick to duologies and trilogies!
- How do you feel about cliffhangers?
LOVE THEM. I think they’re kinda satisfying, in a weird way. I like being so invested in a book that I am outraged to have it end dramatically. I think the emotional payoff is also better when the first book has a cliffhanger, because you’re eagerly counting down the days for the second book’s release. The most recent cliffhanger I read (and loved) was This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron, which Cossette wrote a full review for here!
- Hardcover or Paperback?
Here’s an alternate answer: kindle. I’d be lost without mine, and my reading experience is truly better on the kindle. 10/10 recommend getting one if you’ve been thinking about it. It’s the best impulse buy decision I’ve made – and I have Coco to thank for it!
- Favourite book?
Nobody is surprised to know that this answer is, of course, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I own 13 copies of it. But to make it more interesting, I’ll give you some of my favourite 2021 reads: You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao, Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron, and Beach Read by Emily Henry.
- Least Favourite Book?
I’m going to respectfully skip this question, because I have no business spreading negativity here at teatimelit.
- Love Triangles: Yes or No?
It’s a firm no from me. I don’t think they’re often written well, but if they are, then I can appreciate them. But 9 times out of 10, it’s a no from me.
- The most recent book you Couldn’t finish?
The Little Barn of Dreams by Lucy Knott. I DNF’ed it at 60% — it just wasn’t for me!
- A book you’re Currently Reading?
Currently, it’s my various textbooks for university. But, I’m hoping to read Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong soon!
- Last Book you Recommended to Someone?
It might be This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron. I’m still not over that ending, I am so obsessed with it. Everyone needs to drop what they’re currently reading and pick it up ASAP!
- Oldest book you’ve read by Publication Date?
It has to be Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll! A book very close to my heart, and it’s one of my favourite classics!
- Newest book you’ve read by Publication Date?
You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao! It comes out on November 9, and everyone needs to add it to their tbr! It’s a wonderful book and I cannot wait to own a physical copy.
- Favourite Author?
Again, no surprise, but it has to be Erin Morgenstern!
- Buying books or borrowing books?
Nowadays, you’ll find me borrowing books from sources such as Scribd or Kindle Unlimited. I pay a subscription fee for those, so I guess it counts as buying books too? Ever since getting my kindle my book buying habits have thankfully decreased, and I only often buy physical books that I’m either instantly intrigued by when in the bookstore, or anticipating. So I guess the answer is a mixture of the two? I definitely need to get better at using the libby app!
- A book you dislike that everyone seems to love?
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid! Unfortunately it just wasn’t for me, but I hope to try more of her books in the future.
- Bookmarks or dog ear?
Preferably bookmarks, but I do dog ear my books on occasion.
- A Book you can Always Reread?
The From Blood and Ash series by Jennifer L. Armentrout.
- Can you read while listening to music?
Sadly, no! I could probably manage with instrumental, but I get distracted kinda easily, so the littlest things can pull me from my reading
- One POV or Multiple?
I like both! I think it depends on the genre, but usually both work for me. I find multiple POVs work best in fantasy, and one POV works better in contemporary romance. But, both are good!
- Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?
It really does depend on a few factors. It depends on how invested I am in the book, my schedule, and what time of day I start the book. I’m more likely to read a book in one sitting if I start it in the evening, because I have less to do! But it doesn’t matter to me, so long as I’m reading I’m happy!
- Who do you tag?
I’d like to tag Delaney over at readingwithdelaney, Ahaana over at windowstoworlds, Robin over at lastpagess, and Bella over at rainstormreads! Feel free to do this tag too, even if I haven’t tagged you!
I hope this helped you get to know me a little bit better! See you next week!

mary!! i loved reading all your answers to the 20 questions! i’ve never seen this tag before, and it’s really interesting, so thank you for tagging me, i can’t wait to get to it!! also omg, 13(?!) copies of the night circus?? i really need to pick it up now!!
Oh wow- 13 different copies ?! 🤭 that’s kinda impressive.. I still can’t get myself to buy more than one (although.. ive been jealous seeing one of thoses I own had gotten a prettier cover x3)
That’s sadly one I couldn’t get to, despite wanting to so much.. and part of why I stay away from fantasy. My brain isn’t ready for that yet, too heavy for me with all the imagination needed 😅 although two POV is my favorite, the most POVs a book has, the more I seem to get lost somewhere..
Id say I love cliffhanger too! But not only for the reason you said, but because you get free reins to turn the story your way 😘 in this moment and time, you can have the story finish your way… as soon as you finish reading it, it’s over. Their story has a « real ending » and you can’t quite do that anymore- thoses things happened and we cant go back.
13 copies of the night circus?? wow! i understand though, the story is beautiful and it has some of the most gorgeous editions! <3